6 Ways to Practice Self-Care with a Chronic Illness
Published on:
August 15, 2023

Self-care is important for everyone, but it's especially key for those living with a chronic illness. Living with a chronic illness can be tough, but it's important not to forget to take care of yourself.
A lot of us with chronic illnesses struggle with this, especially when our illness is our full-time job. We feel like we can't justify taking time for ourselves when there's so much to be done. But it's so important! Self-care doesn't have to be elaborate or time consuming. Here are some ways to include self-care in your day:
Ask for help
Juggling a chronic illness is already tough as it is, and it is important for your physical health to not push yourself to the point of a flare. That means learning to ask for help when you need it. Perhaps the most important form of self-care for people with chronic illness is asking for help.
Have a laugh
Find something that makes you laugh and embrace it! Sometimes the best you can do is talk to someone you know will make you belly laugh!
Get an early night
Challenge yourself to go to bed early. It is especially important for people who have chronic conditions, as it helps to repair the daily damage inflicted by the chronic condition and it is important in the body's attempt to recover. Allow yourself to rest without feeling guilty.
Remove negativity
Edit your news feeds and social media to remove any negative sources. Clear out your friend list, unfollow if you need to, sort through your groups and make your social media a positive place for you to be!
Take time out from social media
We know how addicting it can be, and sometimes self-care means putting it down and not checking social media for an hour. Social media can be an amazing tool in terms of finding support in the chronic illness community, but sometimes it’s good to switch off for a while.
Organize your health records
Yes, you heard that right. Medical records are incredibly important for anyone who has ever been diagnosed with a chronic or rare disease. They allow doctors to quickly find the right treatment and give you peace-of-mind that your medical history won’t be forgotten, even if something happens tomorrow! Always ask for copies of your health records, and keep them organized in a folder or on Jonda app to securely store them away from hackers - because there is no better self-care than having all relevant information at hand when needed the most.
Taking care of yourself is crucial. It can be tough to find the time or energy to do something for yourself, but it's important not to forget. These tips should help make self-care more manageable and less daunting.
Remember. Self-care isn’t selfish.
Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog post is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personal health concerns. Any actions taken based on the information provided in this blog are at the reader's discretion. The company is not responsible for any outcome or consequences resulting from information obtained from this blog.