Rare Disease Day: A Time To Unite And Embrace Our Individuality
Published on:
January 2, 2024

Each year, Rare Disease Day is celebrated on the last day of February. It’s a day to recognize and celebrate those who are bravely fighting the rare conditions that they live with every day. It is also an opportunity to raise public awareness of these conditions and to bring much-needed attention and resources to individuals living with rare diseases, their families, and their caregivers.
What is a Rare Disease?
It’s a common misconception that rare diseases are actually rare. In fact, they impact over 300 million individuals worldwide.
A disease is classified as rare if it affects fewer than 1 in 2,000 people (RareDiseaseDay.Org)
While there are more than 7,000 known rare diseases, only a fraction of them have available treatments or cures. The majority of rare diseases are genetic, although some may be triggered by environmental factors or lifestyle choices.
The impact of Rare Diseases
The impact of living with a rare disease can have far-reaching effects for both the individual and their family members. From navigating complex healthcare systems to obtaining access to health insurance coverage for rare medications or treatments, living with a chronic illness often requires significant financial and emotional resources from patients and their loved ones. Further compounding this challenge is the fact that many rare diseases do not have available treatments or cures – meaning individuals must learn how to manage the symptoms while continuing on with their lives.
How You Can Help Raise Awareness
One way we can help raise awareness about rare diseases is by educating ourselves about these illnesses and sharing our knowledge with others in our communities through social media using #RareDisease hashtags or related keywords.
We can also support organizations that are dedicated to raising awareness about these conditions and providing resources for individuals living with them.
Additionally, we can join advocacy groups or volunteer in our local communities so that we can make sure our voices are heard when it comes to advocating for increased research funding for these conditions or improved access to healthcare services for those affected by them.
Rare Disease Day is an important reminder that there are millions of people around the world who are living with rare diseases every day – many of whom do not have access to necessary treatments or cures yet. This day serves as an opportunity for us all to come together in solidarity, celebrate each other’s unique struggles, and continue advocating for better access to healthcare services so that everyone can receive the care they need regardless of diagnosis. Let’s make sure #RareDiseaseDay has a lasting impact; together we can help create real change!
Do You Have a Rare Disease?
Feature on Jonda’s Patient Voices and become an advocate for your medical condition. We believe that your experience and perspective can help raise awareness for other people who may be going through similar challenges.
If you feel comfortable sharing your story with us, we would be honoured to feature your journey living with a rare disease on our blog. Your unique journey can inspire and educate others and bring attention to this important cause.
If you’re interested in learning more and how to feature on our blog, please feel free to reach out to us on - we look forward to hearing from you and sharing your unique story with the world.
1. Rare Disease Day 2024. What is Rare Disease Day? - Rare Disease Day 2024. Rare Disease Day 2024. Published October 7, 2022. Accessed August 15, 2023. https://www.rarediseaseday.org/what-is-rare-disease-day/.