What Autoimmune Patients Want Their Family and Friends to Know
Published on:
July 25, 2023

If you have a loved one with an autoimmune disease, chances are you’ve had some awkward conversations with them. Even if you mean well, you may come across as if you don’t understand what we're going through or why it’s so hard. To make things easier, here's what autoimmune patients wish their family and friends knew.
It’s Not Just About the Symptoms
Having an autoimmune disease is more than just having physical symptoms; it affects our mental health, too. There are challenges and emotions beyond the physical ones associated with autoimmune diseases. Everyone experiences their illness differently, so it’s important to ask how to help instead of making assumptions about what is needed.
Patience Is Key
An autoimmune disease is a lifelong condition and treatments don't always work overnight. Treatment plans involve trial and error and can take months or even years to get right. That also means that our energy levels may fluctuate as we adjust medications or find new ways of managing our symptoms. We need your patience during these times—it helps us stay positive and focused on our recovery journey
We Need Support
No one should have to go through this alone! Having a friend who understands us and listens without judgement makes all the difference in the world when we're struggling with our illness. No matter how small it may seem, knowing that someone has our back makes all the difference in helping us power through tough days and stay motivated on our journey to better health.
Autoimmune conditions present unique challenges for those of us who live with them every day—challenges that many people don't understand without first-hand experience. By learning about these conditions and being willing to listen without judgement, one can make life a little easier for those living with them—and helping them find strength in their daily lives!